
Popular Conference Delegation Joins Anti-Apartheid Conference in South Africa

A delegation from the Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad participated in the activities of the "Conference Against Israeli Occupation's Discrimination and Apartheid" in South Africa, which lasted for three days to discuss tools to confront Israeli racial discrimination against the Palestinian people.

Popular Conference Delegation Joins Anti-Apartheid Conference in South Africa

The Popular Conference calls for demonstrations on Land Day to stop the aggression on Gaza

The Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad has called on all the free people of the world to demonstrate and stand in front of the Israeli occupation's embassies around the world on Saturday, March 30, 2024, to demand the cessation of aggression on Gaza and in commemoration of Land Day.

The Popular Conference calls for demonstrations on Land Day to stop the aggression on Gaza

the Qatar Coordination in the Popular Conference organizes a diplomatic ifttar

The Qatar Coordination in the Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad organized, on Thursday, March 21, 2024, "The Second Ramadan Diplomatic ifttar," attended by ambassadors from China, South Africa, Indonesia, Algeria, Ghana, Pakistan, Malaysia, Ethiopia, and Uzbekistan, along with the participation of the Palestinian Ambassador, Mr. Munir Ghanam.

the Qatar Coordination in the Popular Conference organizes a diplomatic ifttar

the Popular Conference launches an online campaign to collect donations in support of Gaza

This online campaign is part of the activities of the Twining Campaign project initiated by the Popular Conference in February of the same year, aimed at supporting Palestinian families affected by the aggression on Gaza.

the Popular Conference launches an online campaign to collect donations in support of Gaza