
War on Gaza: How 7 October forever destroyed the myth of Israeli military invincibility

On 22 September 2023, two weeks before the 7 October al-Aqsa Flood attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the UN General Assembly about "a new Middle East". He bragged about Israel's power and status as the enforcer of regional security.

War on Gaza: How 7 October forever destroyed the myth of Israeli military invincibility

The bias of Western leaders does not help the Israelis wake up

The extremist government of Benjamin Netanyahu received overwhelmingly biased positions from Washington, European and Western capitals

The bias of Western leaders does not help the Israelis wake up

Will the Extreme Right-Wing Take Control of the Official Chief Rabbinate of Israel?

Although the establishment of Israel in 1948 was led by a predominantly secular and non-religious group, David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, was keen to acknowledge the authority of the Chief Rabbinate of Judaism, which had existed since the Ottoman era. He recognized it as a religious reference for Western Jews (Ashkenazi) and Eastern Jews (Sephardim).

Will the Extreme Right-Wing Take Control of the Official Chief Rabbinate of Israel?

Two National Wedding for Palestinians Abroad

The Palestinian National Forum was held on Saturday and Sunday, May 20-21, 2023, organized by the Popular Conference of Palestinians Abroad in Beirut. It was attended by approximately 140 Palestinian national figures from dozens of countries outside Palestine, along with a selection of individuals from within the Palestinian territories and representatives from several Palestinian factions.

Two National Wedding for Palestinians Abroad

75 Years of Pain and Hope... A message from the Palestinian People to King Charles

Days pass by, and with each new sunrise, we live a new story and a continuous struggle due to migration, deprivation, and marginalization.

75 Years of Pain and Hope... A message from the Palestinian People to King Charles