
Parallels between Minneapolis and Jerusalem are more than skin deep

In a world of depleting resources and contracting economies, states are preparing for future uprisings by a growing underclass

Parallels between Minneapolis and Jerusalem are more than skin deep

The world continues to watch as Israel disregards human rights, justice

As the date for Israel’s planned annexation of Palestinian lands draws closer, Israeli circles have expressed growing concern about the consequences of the move.

The world continues to watch as Israel disregards human rights, justice

The international community is complicit in "Israel’s" torture of Palestinians

The torture suffered by Palestinian prisoner Samer Arabeed at the hands of Israel’s Shin Bet interrogators has proved, once again, that the prohibition of such treatment as enshrined in the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Rome Statute and the UN Convention Against Torture is little more than a series of reference points used by human rights groups as reminders to the torturers.

The international community is complicit in "Israel’s" torture of Palestinians

Israeli occupation displaces, locks up and kills Palestinian children

Israeli occupation displaces, locks up and kills Palestinian children

Israeli occupation displaces, locks up and kills Palestinian children

The end of a reckless Israeli jaunt in Gaza

It must be thrilling for Israelis to hear about a group of their army’s Special Forces carrying out a professional operation to kidnap leaders from the heart of the Gaza Strip, entering and leaving the enclave without a trace, and with none of the Palestinians knowing what’s going on. How exciting must an operation like this be; an operation to suit Israel’s nostalgia for the days when its achievements celebrated in its propaganda dealt blows to its enemies around the world.

The end of a reckless Israeli jaunt in Gaza

‘Oslo Diaries’: Telling the story of Tel Aviv, not Oslo

This evening, on the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords, a 90-minute documentary about the historic 1993 agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians will air on HBO, targeting an American audience.

‘Oslo Diaries’: Telling the story of Tel Aviv, not Oslo