Huwaidi: No Organization Can Replace "UNRWA"
Ali Huwaidi, the Director-General of Commission 302 for the Defense of Palestinian Refugee Rights, stated that "no organization can replace UNRWA, as it relies on an extensive infrastructure in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, employs thousands of staff, and even the relief materials that enter Gaza through other organizations only do so after coordinating with UNRWA, leveraging its staff deployed throughout the Gaza Strip."

"Thabit" Urges the International Community to Act to Halt Aggression on Gaza and Lebanon
Thabit Organization for the Right of Return stated that "Britain, through the Balfour Declaration, marked the beginning of enabling the Zionist project in Palestine, giving what it did not own to those undeserving, effectively providing a green light to the Zionist movement to begin implementing its project to establish a Zionist entity on Palestinian land."

Abu Mahfouz: The UK Is Responsible for Genocide in Gaza and Must Pressure to Stop the Aggression
The Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad has held the British government, alongside the Israeli occupation, accountable for the plight of the Palestinian people and, in particular,

Al-Balbisi: The Lax Official Arab Stance Encouraged the Occupation to Persist in Desecrating Al-Aqsa
Al-Balbisi added that the number of those violating the sanctity and holiness of Al-Aqsa Mosque on what they call the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple has exceeded two thousand extremist Zionist Jews "without arousing the chivalry or courage of any of the Arab or Muslim leaders."

Huwaidi: Targeting Shelter Centers is Genocide and a Systematic Approach Used by the Occupation to Target Civilians
Ali Huwaidi, Director General of the 302 Defense of Refugee Rights, stated: "The targeting of shelter centers by the occupation can only be described as full-fledged genocide."

Ben Gvir and Settlers' Desecration of Al-Aqsa Threatens Holy Sites and Shows Contempt for Authorities
The head of the Jerusalem Committee in the Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad, Helmi Al-Balbisi, said, "The storming of the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by the terrorist minister Ben Gvir, in addition to being an assault on Islamic holy sites and a desecration of their sanctity, is also a contempt for all Islamic and Arab authorities responsible for protecting and caring for holy places in Jerusalem, foremost among them the Al-Aqsa Mosque."