
The Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad concludes its second meeting of the General Authority in Istanbul

The Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad concludes its second meeting of the General Authority in Istanbul

The Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad concludes its second meeting of the General Authority in Istanbul

Launching of the meeting of the Second General Assembly of the Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad

Launching of the meeting of the Second General Assembly of the Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad

Launching of the meeting of the Second General Assembly of the Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad

Al-Quds Committee at the Popular Conference holds "Al-Quds and Trump's decisions" Seminar in Istanbul

Al-Quds Committee at the Popular Conference holds "Al-Quds and Trump's decisions" Seminar in Istanbul

Al-Quds Committee at the Popular Conference holds "Al-Quds and Trump's decisions" Seminar in Istanbul

It is not enough to postpone the African-Israeli summit, but working to fail it

It is not enough to postpone the African-Israeli summit, but working to fail it

It is not enough to postpone the African-Israeli summit, but working to fail it

The Popular Congress is a national project that is forbidden to fail

The Popular Congress is a national project that is forbidden to fail

The Popular Congress is a national project that is forbidden to fail

Postponement of the Togo summit

Postponement of the Togo summit .. The goal of Palestine in the direction of the occupation

Postponement of the Togo summit